This book is designed to help the average undergraduate aeronautical student understand the basic functions and reactions of the human body to the many facets of modern flight. The textbooks currently available are either designed for the medical community or are too basic for the level of study desired in our classes. Therefore, this text covers the elementary scientific information necessary for understanding some of the more complex physiological functions of the human body as well as some of the more advanced concepts encountered by humans in flight. This textbook is designed to be a supplement to the more detailed lectures given in an Aviation Physiology course.
The pages of this textbook are designed to accommodate short notes and additional material in the margin. Note that some key words are already in the margin to help with the study of each chapter and stimulate questions on the material. Some “Note” pages have been placed near key figures and diagrams to facilitate student notes of interest or questions. Key words in the body of the text are also “bold faced” to assist the student in identifying important concepts. Illustrations are detailed enough to communicate the important information being discussed, but not so detailed as to confuse the subject. Charts and tables isolate important material and highlight specific details that are not otherwise obvious in the text.
The appendices at the back of the book are arranged in alphabetical order, and excerpts from specific regulations, official letters, and short essays on key subjects are there to give the student a more in-depth understanding of important subject matter and concepts. In order to help expand the reader’s understanding of the material, the reader is referred to these documents by footnotes found at appropriate points in the text.
Finally, a limited bibliography is included for the reader who wishes to research the field of Aviation Physiology further.
About the Authors:
Dr. Ronald W. Hansrote BS, MD, FAAFP, FAsMA is a Biochemistry/Chemistry graduate of Kent State University with post graduate work at Case Western Reserve University’s School of Medicine (M.D./PhD Program) in Graduate Physiology and Organic Chemistry. He received his Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Nebraska and is certified by the National Board of Medical Examiners. He holds licenses to practice medicine in Nebraska, Florida, and Oklahoma. He is a graduate of the U.S. Naval School of Aerospace Medicine and is designated as a Naval Flight Surgeon/Aviator. He holds the designation of Command Flight Surgeon, USAFR and served on the Shuttle Medical Operations Team for the USAFR’s Space Command.
Dr. Nathaniel E Villaire BS, MPA, Ed.S, Ed.D. has been teaching aviation physiology and other aeronautical material since 1968. He has been the principle developer of two different aviation physiology institutions and numerous secondary, college and graduate level courses in the field. He has taught high school biology, junior college pre-nursing biology, military aviation physiology, collegiate aviation physiology and graduate aviation physiology. He is the author of a college level aviation safety textbook, numerous articles on aviation physiology, aviation education and has developed all of Florida Tech’s graduate degrees in aviation.