An autobiography with a forward written by his brother-in-law, John “Ace” Bonar. Born in 1987, Walter became one of the country’s finest aviators. After training for World War I, he worked for Mercury Aviation, a company that was founded by the renown Cecil B. DeMille. He also flew planes in the films for movie-maker Howard Hughes, as well as others. As a barnstormer, Walter soared high in some of the early-vintage planes. Although he sought out other ventures, the thrill of flying kept luring him back. He would eventually went on to form an aviation parts business. He helped to outfit famous adventures such as Richard Halliburton and “Wrong Way Corrigan.” This story, accompanied with rare and valuable photographs, is about the life and times of Walt Hawkins, the people he met and flew with, and how the early aviators showed their skills by … Flying by the Seat of Their Pants!