The Littlest Christmas Tree


Pete the Christmas Tree unexpectedly finds himself uprooted from his forest and relocated to an unfamiliar, unfriendly forest. Pete dreams of the day when he will be taken home with a family who will think he is the most beautiful and most perfect Christmas tree.


SKU: 9780979880605 Category: Binding: Soft BackPages: 36Dimensions: 8 × 8.5 × .125 inISBN: 978-0-9798806-0-5Author: Sam T. Scaling


A children’s book dedicated to Dr. Scaling’s children, who grew up listening to this story. “The Littlest Christmas Tree” is the story of a tiny seedling that was blown miles from home in a storm and struggles to thrive in his newfound forest surroundings. His dream is to become a Christmas tree, but is overlooked for many years. Finally his time comes to be a beautiful Christmas tree, a bus full of orphans choose him as their tree.

Written by: Sam T Scaling M.D. Illustrated by: Susan Stanley.

Additional information

Weight .25 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 8.5 × .125 in
SKU Exists
